Category Archives: tolls

826 Palmetto Express Lane Tolls To Be Rolled Back

Lexus Lanes on a blue-collar corridor? What could go wrong? It’s not often that we have seen FDOT and the state admit to a mistake, but they just did.  Florida legislators, transportation officials, and even Governor Ron DeSantis recognize that … Continue reading

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Kendall Parkway Town Hall 4-18-2018

 Kendall Parkway Mostly Supported by Residents, With Conditions You could hear it in the voices of the people who spoke at the Kendall Parkway Town Hall meeting, they want traffic relief.  And Mayor Carlos Gimenez and MDX executive director … Continue reading

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Kendall Parkway?

Today we learned of an idea that Miami-Dade county mayor Carlos Gimenez is putting forward for a westward extension of the SR 836 Dolphin Expressway and south to 136th Street The article below is reprinted from the  Click on … Continue reading

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County Commissioners Pass Resolution Asking MDX to Freeze Tolls and Eliminate CPI (Inflation) Indexing of Toll Rates.

Finally!  Our county commissioners are engaging on the massive toll hike by MDX and the financial impact it is having on individuals, working families and businesses in our county. This resolution (R-355-15) asks MDX to freeze toll rates or reduce … Continue reading

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Miami-Dade Mayor Asks Miami-Dade Expressway Authority To Reduce Tolls

We are happy to see Mayor Carlos Gimenez, asking MDX to reduce the recent toll increases.  Yes, please roll back the tolls MDX! We understand that the mayor has no direct authority or power over MDX.  But it is good … Continue reading

Posted in MDX, toll rate increase, tollmageddon, tolls | Leave a comment

MDX announces toll cash back dividend refund program

At yesterday’s MDX board meeting the board unanimously approved a new refund program that amends the recently launched MDX Advantage frequent user program. Users would need to sign up between July 13 and August 30, have a Sun Pass account … Continue reading

Posted in MDX, tolls | 1 Comment

It’s Time SunPass Gives Users The Information They Deserve.

  For over three years Roll Back Tolls has lead the charge in asking Sun Pass, the electronic road toll collection agency, to update it’s system to modern standards.   As a high tech  company, they should not have any … Continue reading

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Tollmageddon in Miami

Tollmageddon is HERE!  #tollmageddon Take action! Call your elected official now! Watch CBS4’s Jim Defede confront MDX director on toll hikes. (fast forward to 5 min mark for interview) Just In Time For Christmas  – Less Money For Shopping, More … Continue reading

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Billions on toll roads, little public input

Florida: State of Tollation  “Welcome to Florida” says the sign on the south bound lanes of I-95 as you enter the state from Georgia.  It should also remind drivers to bring their wallets, toll money and Sun Pass.   More … Continue reading

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Wall Street Journal Article about Growing Anti-Toll Sentiment in Texas.

Re-print from Wall Street Journal Updated Oct. 20, 2014 2:25 p.m. ET DALLAS—Toll roads are experiencing a growth spurt around the U.S. as states strapped for cash look to relieve traffic congestion without raising taxes. But a political backlash is … Continue reading

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