The Express Toll Lane Ramp project on Killian/ SW 104th Street has been cancelled! We finally won one for the community!
We want to thank State Representative Frank Artiles and his staff for listening to the Roll Back Tolls and the community. We also want to give a big RBT thank you to FDOT secretary Ananth Prasad for being accessible and listening to our concerns. Read full statement below.
Tallahassee, Fla. – The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) today announced the cancellation of the Killian Parkway Express Lane Direct Access Ramps. These direct access ramps are one component of the overall Turnpike Widening Project from Killian to Bird Road in Miami-Dade County.
The Turnpike Widening Project is designed to improve safety, increase mobility and relieve traffic congestion for Turnpike customers. The Killian Direct Access Ramps would have included direct access from Killian Parkway to Turnpike Express Lanes, the coordination of signals, added protected left turn movements and providing exclusive turn lanes separated from the intersection through movements.
Secretary Ananth Prasad said, “The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) works daily with our local partners to identify projects that will create jobs and improve safety and mobility on Florida’s roadways. FDOT recognizes the importance of listening and responding to the concerns of the local communities.”
Throughout the public outreach process on the Turnpike Widening Project from Killian Parkway to Bird Road, Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise (FTE) received a substantial amount of public input on the Killian Parkway Direct Access Ramps. While FDOT’s traffic analysis for the Killian Ramps showed improved traffic conditions for the Turnpike system, the local community voiced concerns that the proposed interchange modifications may impact the traffic surrounding the Devon Aire K-8 School.
Representative Artiles said, “I appreciate Secretary Prasad for listening to the concerns of my community. I worked closely with the Florida Department of Transportation to ensure our community concerns were addressed.”
The Killian Direct Access Ramps did not receive the local support necessary to invest the resources required to move forward and will not be included in the Turnpike Widening Project in Miami-Dade County.
Raena L. Wright
Legislative Aide
Representative Frank Artiles
13501 SW 128th Street, Suite 115
Miami, FL 33186
Esto se parece a la revolucion del callo(Cuba) ahora los que no proetestan por no estar afectados , tendran que hacerlo cuando las calles de Miami se pongan intransitables sean destruidas por los camiones Omnibus y rastras se llenen de huecos y accidente, y el gobierno municipal tenga que imponerles un impuesto para arreglar las mismas entonces ya protestaran y tendremos el aumento los que no van por los toll, los que van por debajo(que no protestaron,) los dos a pagar impuestos dobles. los que no van por los E,Way y los que van por debajo, Plos por que boga y palos por que no bogas. FELICIDADES
pORQUE NO VAMOS AL AEROPUERO Y AL PUERTO TODOS EL SABADO Y EL DOMINGO no violamos ninguna ley vamos al paso que marca la ley 15 millas maximo vamos dos o tres mil carros a estos sitios, y vamos a ver que pasa que dicen los comisionados y los que tengan que ver con estos Los 3 monos sabios , El condado y la fiscalia y el Estado (NO VER, NO OIR, NO HABLAR ) que no llegan los clientes a esos lugares en tiempo, no llegan los empleados en tiempo, bueno que le hacemos, un poco de atraso no viene mal, y se enteran gasta en el POLO de lo que pasa en Miami, y el gobierno federal va y toma medidas en esto y aparecen los auditores que digan en que se ha usado el dinero de estos ultimos 10 años recaudados por impuestos de combustible(+ de 0.50Cts por galon) el centavo de Penela , Los toles etc. y no se cuantos impuestos mas nos cobran, Vamos a saber de las famosas gabetas donde aparecen los dineros cuando hay crisis y no pueden imponerle los impuetos, como pasa ultimadamente como decia Cantiflas.
There are people who cant afford any more toll paying out of our check we are being forced to pay toll we need options if we dont want to pay toll this is a joke I have one income n a family of 5 . 2. 3 4 or 20 for toll I cant afford that I have bills n kids to feed they think about the rich what about the poor who cant afford toll this is so mess up
Pingback: Construction on Express Lanes Start on Turnpike from Killian Drive to Sunset and beyond. - "A grassroots watchdog group for toll roads in South Florida."