- Meet the non-elected MDX directors that voted to impose a 54% toll hike while ignoring request from elected officials including Mayors, County Commissioners, State Representatives and a State Senator. Oh and over 3000 signatures on our petition against toll increase.
- Edward MacDougall, Cutler Bay Mayor
- Miami-Dade Commissioner, Xavier Suarez
- Jeannette Nuñez, State Representative
- Anitere Flores, State Senator
- Carlos Trujillo, State Representative
- Eric Fresen, State Representative
- Lynda Bell, Vice Chair, County Commission
- Esteban Bovo, Miami-Dade Commissioners page 1 of 2
- Esteban Bovo, Miami-Dade Commissioners page 2 of 2
- State Representative Michael Bileca, District 115
- Holly Raschein, State Representative
- Jose Felix Diaz, State Representative
- Cindy Lerner, Pinecrest Mayor
- Philip Stoddard, South Miami Mayor
- Miami Beach Mayor, Matti Herrera-Bower
- Mayor of Palmetto Bay, Shelly Stanczyk
- Juan Zapata, Miami-Dade Commissioner
- Frank Artiles, State Representative
- Miami-Dade Commissioners Javier Souto
MDX has received many letters in the past few weeks from State Representatives, Mayors, County Commissioners and State Senators against outrageous toll increase.
Pingback: State Representative Jeanette Nuñez Letter to Rick Scott about MDX.