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State Representative Jeanette Nuñez – MDX is overstepping its boundaries
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Letters from elected officials against MDX toll increase
- Meet the non-elected MDX directors that voted to impose a 54% toll hike while ignoring request from elected officials including Mayors, County Commissioners, State Representatives and a State Senator. Oh and over 3000 signatures on our petition against toll increase.
- Edward MacDougall, Cutler Bay Mayor
- Miami-Dade Commissioner, Xavier Suarez
- Jeannette Nuñez, State Representative
- Anitere Flores, State Senator
- Carlos Trujillo, State Representative
- Eric Fresen, State Representative
- Lynda Bell, Vice Chair, County Commission
- Esteban Bovo, Miami-Dade Commissioners page 1 of 2
- Esteban Bovo, Miami-Dade Commissioners page 2 of 2
- State Representative Michael Bileca, District 115
- Holly Raschein, State Representative
- Jose Felix Diaz, State Representative
- Cindy Lerner, Pinecrest Mayor
- Philip Stoddard, South Miami Mayor
- Miami Beach Mayor, Matti Herrera-Bower
- Mayor of Palmetto Bay, Shelly Stanczyk
- Juan Zapata, Miami-Dade Commissioner
- Frank Artiles, State Representative
- Miami-Dade Commissioners Javier Souto
MDX has received many letters in the past few weeks from State Representatives, Mayors, County Commissioners and State Senators against outrageous toll increase.
Posted in toll rate increase
Tagged 836, mdx, sun pass, toll and spend, toll hike, toll rate increase, tollation
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Countdown to MDX Toll Increase Vote June 18th
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MDX to hold public meetings about 50% toll rate increases on 836 and 112
Happy New Year!
Well MDX has big plans for the future. And they include a 50% toll rate increase on 836 and 112. Also, they will be implementing CPI (Consumer Price Indexing) for future rate increases on all MDX toll roads (874,878, 836, 112, 924).
Plus, they will be installing multiple toll gantries and collection systems on the full length of 836 and 112. Exactly how they did on the 874 and 878 back in 2010. So no more free rides for anyone that uses an MDX road.
Do you or anyone you know use the 836 or 112 expressways? Please tell them about the upcoming public meetings. See list below.
We need to organize and create a united voice against this “tollation”. The MDX board of directors has the power to raise tolls without any input/representation from the public that uses their roads. Is this fair? How do you feel about MDX’s plan to raise toll rates on 836 and 112 by 50%? Make your voice heard on our Facebook page. (
Please spread the word. We cannot let them get away with this without hearing from the toll payers, you and me!
Subject: Important message from Miami-Dade Expressway Authority
Important changes are happening and we need your input.
The Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX) will host a series of Public Reviews to provide the public an opportunity to obtain information and comment on the implementation of Open Road Tolling and future toll rates and locations for SR 836/Dolphin Expressway and SR 112/Airport Expressway. The Public Reviews are informal to encourage attendance at any time during the workshops, at the scheduled dates, times and locations indicated below. Parking is free at all locations.
// Tuesday, January 22, 2013 / 6-9 pm
Florida International University
Modesto A. Maidique Campus
11200 SW 8th Street / Miami, FL 33199
FIU Stadium Club
Enter Campus from SW 117th Ave. at SW 17th St or enter from SW 107th Ave. at SW 16th or 17th Streets. Entrance to Club between Gates 1-4 on the south side of the Stadium.
// Wednesday, January 23, 2013 / 6-9 pm
Wilde Community Center
5405 West 18th Avenue / Hialeah, FL 33012
// Wednesday, January 30, 2013 / 6-9 pm
Town of Cutler Bay – Town Hall
10720 Caribbean Boulevard, Suite 115 / Cutler Bay, FL 33189
// Wednesday, February 6, 2013 / 7:30- 9:30 pm
Salvation Army
1907 NW 38 Street / Miami, FL 33142
// Tuesday, January 22, 2013 to Wednesday, February 6, 2013
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Pinecrest Tribune Article on Public Town Hall Meeting Regarding Proposed Busway Express Toll Lanes Project
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Pinecrest Townhall Meeting – Proposed Express Toll Road Along Busway in South Dade
Last Wednesday night’s public Town Hall Meeting was a huge success for the public and the community! And Roll Back Tolls is proud to have been the lead on suggesting and organizing the meeting. We would first want to thank the honorable Mayor of Pinecrest, Cindy Learner, for her time and attention. And for making Pinecrest Gardens available. It was a great setting and the staff did a great job in making sure everything went perfectly. We also want to thank former Miami-Dade commissioner, Katy Sorenson for moderating the panel discussion and meeting. Her first hand knowledge of the busway, it’s purpose and history made her the perfect person to moderate the meeting.
The strong attendance is proof that the public is not being reached effectively by MDX’s anemic out reach efforts. Indeed many of those present said that this was the first time they had any knowledge and information about the proposed project study. Even though MDX has held three “public” meetings on this project. Noticeably absent were any high level executives, engineers, staff or board members from MDX(Miami-Dade Expressway Authority).
The attendees listened to MDX representative/ lead project study consultant, Allen Brick-Turin, explain the points of the study. MDX is spending $6 million dollars to have Mr. Brick-Turin’s consulting company, Gannet-Fleming, perform this study that will be completed by 2015. It focuses on building express toll lanes along the present day busway that runs parallel to US 1 from Kendall Drive south to Florida City.
This highway would have a series of elevated overpasses at all cross sections (SW 104, 112, 136 streets, etc). Mr. Brick-Turin mentioned that the study is also incorporating a transit, non-automobile component. The project, if ultimately approved, would be funded largely by user tolls. No cost estimate for this project was given.
On the transit side, University of Miami professor Andrew Georgiadis spoke of why transit(Metro Rail, light rail) should be considered instead of a toll road for single occupant cars. In fact an overwhelming percentage of the crowd applauded when Mr. Georgiadis spoke of why we need transit instead of tolls.
The attendees were allowed to submit written questions that Katy Sorenson proposed to the panel. Most of the questions were directed at MDX. In fact, Mr. Brick-Turin spoke most of the time and at times did not have specific answers as “the study is on going and not complete”. He made it very clear that the express toll lane project is only being studied at this time and there is no decision to build on the table. Ultimately the findings of the study would be presented to the MPO (Metropolitan Planing Organization) and the Miami-Dade commission for the final decision some time in 2015-16.
In her closing comments, Mayor Cindy Learner brought up the fact that a parallel transit study should be commissioned. And that the public should be presented both options. We could not agree more! The idea of building an over 20 mile toll road for largely single occupant vehicles would be short term gain for long term pain. The busway is too valuable as a transit artery to give up any capacity on it for a automobile toll road. The public wants transit and we should figure a way to make it a reality, however hard it may be.
Carlos Garcia, co-chair
Miller Myers, co-chair
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Village of Pinecrest Mayor Invites All of Miami-Dade to attend Public Meeting Regarding Proposed Express Toll Lanes on South Dade Busway
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